Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Be a professional web designer easily using bootstrap



twitter bootstrap tutorial
bootstrap logo
Are you a web developer and do have enough time to make your website nice and professional by using css3,jquery and others.If so bootstrap if for you.
Bootstrap is a web design framework by using this you can build your website without writing much code in css or javascript.All you need to just declare css class in your html.Thats it,rest of the design work will done by bootstrap css library.Mainly bootstrap is a collection of class for different use and with different style.
Bootstrap is responsible.Thats means you do not need to apply several css for desktop,table or phone.Just one css file is enough for handling multi platform issue.
For learning convention we divided whole tutorial into several section
  1. Download and include bootstrap 
  2. creating layout
  3. creating section and column
  4. typography
  5. working with box and table
  6. forms
  7. buttons
  8. icon
  9. navbar

Download and set up bootstrap

It was said before that bootstrap is noting but  some css and javascript build in library.Bootstrap javascript is complex so i personally use Jquery UI for javascript work.It is hundread time easier and faster than Bootstrap javascript library.
Go to  and there have two option for you.Dowload bootstrap is only bootstrap css and js files no example or demos.If you want to download bootstrap with sample file then  click 
Add these three folder to your project folder.Now add bootstrap.min.css or bootstrap.css in your header as we link external css file.Notice both of them are same bootstrap.min.css is the minimize version of bootstrp.css. If you need any javascript in your bootstrap then add bootstrap.min.js as we link external .js file in webpage.Before that you have to include jquery library also.

Creating Layout of webpage

basic template

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Bootstrap 101 Template</title>   
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">     
<!-- Bootstrap -->    
 <link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<!--if Internet explorer is less than 9 than two file are important for html5 and responsible layout.-->     <!--[if lt IE 9]>       
 <script src=""></script>     
  <script src=""></script>
    <![endif]-- >
 <div class="alert alert-success">Congratulation You Successfully setup Bootsrap.</div>     
<!-- jQuery (necessary for Bootstrap's JavaScript plugins) -->     
<script src=""></script>  
 <!-- Include all compiled plugins (below), or include individual files as needed -- >    
 <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>  
bootstrap layout setup
if you include everything correctly you see exactly this in your browser
Explanation: To ensure proper rendering and touch zooming, we added the viewport meta tag.After that,if browser is IE and its version is less than 9 then we need another two extra js file for html5 and responsible layout suppport.At the end of body we add jquery libray and bootstrap js library.Thats all. Note if you work only css then no need to add javascript library.

Column Layout

You may already familiar with two column or three column layout website.Bootstrap has same facility but more than that.By default bootstrap  is responsive.If your build three column layout web page in bootstrap and browser windows size is smaller( like in table) then it collapse into one or two column, baseed on client browser size. bootstrap use 12 column grid system layout.That means it consider whole browser window 12 column (similar to table column).Each and every device(like phone,table,desktop) browser width consider 12 column.
Max container width(browser with) in LED or LCD monitor is 1170px,Older computer monitor 970px,table 750px,mobile less than 750px.
One column equal to 95px in LED - LCD ,78px in old desktop monitor,60px in tablet. Now suppose we are building webpage for tablet specific.we need 200px similar left sidebar and 500px similar  main body.we can distribute it to 3 column and 9 column respectively.After that,If we browser this website in LED or other monitor than it still remain same two column layout and size of each column expand according to current device.But if we browse same webpage in mobile phone which width is smaller than tablet than two column layout does not exist and it converted to one column.Each column become an individual row.

Layout related Class in Bootstrap

whole webpage have to contain withing container class.As said before each row have 12 column,you can add as many column you want and also can add nested column.This is 100% same to table in html.Think you are creating a table based layout.Then it is much more easier for you to follow rest of the article.
.container is main wrapper class
.row is creating a new row
.col-lg-* it means column large(Lcd,Led) compatible like .col-lg-4 means four coloumn 
.col-md-*  means column medium(older PC monitor)
.col-sm-*  means small device (tablet)
.col-xs-*  extra small device(mobile)
Every class declare column but their name is different based on platform you like to work. View the source of previous Live example source and you can find there use of above classes. Move columns to the right using .col-(md,lg,sm,xs)-offset-* classes. These classes increase the left margin of a column by * columns. For example, .col-md-offset-4 moves .col-md-4 over four columns.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Html5 form video tutorial


This is a series of video tutorial which will help you to use new html5 form tags and its new attributes.After watching all of this video you can create a dynamic from with html build in validation and so on.There are some jquery with from which makes form truely awsome.

Download Now

Download instruction:
After click the download button.It will goes to a file sharing website and from there click download button with file size.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Canvas Video Tutorial


Friday, October 25, 2013

Html 5 Geolocation

Geoloacation will find out the geographical position of a user.That means from where visitor enter your webpage.Visitor comes from across the world but if you want to track their location or their city then you can do this by using geolocation.

Introduction to geolocation

Advanced Features

Checking Support by Using Modernizer

Using geoPostion.js

Detecting Geoloaction

This will detect user location just use the javascript code in any page and that will work for you.Here alert will popup to give user information.But you can do what ever you want instead of alert.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"/>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<title>Reverse Geocoding</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var geocoder;
  if (navigator.geolocation) {
    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successFunction, errorFunction);
//Get the latitude and the longitude;
function successFunction(position) {
    var lat = position.coords.latitude;
    var lng = position.coords.longitude;
    codeLatLng(lat, lng)
function errorFunction(){
    alert("Geocoder failed");
  function initialize() {
    geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
  function codeLatLng(lat, lng) {
    var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
    geocoder.geocode({'latLng': latlng}, function(results, status) {
      if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
        if (results[1]) {
         //formatted address
        //find country name
             for (var i=0; i<results[0].address_components.length; i++) {
            for (var b=0;b<results[0].address_components[i].types.length;b++) {

            //there are different types that might hold a city admin_area_lvl_1 usually does in come cases looking for sublocality type will be more appropriate
                if (results[0].address_components[i].types[b] == "administrative_area_level_1") {
                    //this is the object you are looking for
                    city= results[0].address_components[i];
        //city data
        alert(city.short_name + " " + city.long_name)
        } else {
          alert("No results found");
      } else {
        alert("Geocoder failed due to: " + status);
<body onload="initialize()">

Geolocation LIVE DEOM

Other Geoloacation Tutorial:

  1. w3 Schools
  2. Html 5 Doctor 
  3. Site Point

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Free HTML 5 CSS3 Template Collection



There are 80 HTML5 CSS3 Template Collection all are free
Please Click the link and download from mediafire

How to Download

A list of zipped folder will come in another website.
click any of the folder and it will goes to another webpage there you see a green download button with file size.
Click that button and it start downloading

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Html 5 total Sylllabus


HTML 5 Syllabus

Most of the web designer and developer do not know from where to start learning HTML 5.They learn without any kind of plan so it seems difficult to learn html 5 for them.If anyone learn html5 by following  steps  he/she can easily learn html5 and enjoy it.
  1. You have To know
  2. What is HTML5 and Why We should Use ?
  3. New Features
  4. Content Model
  5. Outline Algorithm
  6. Doctype
  7. Header and Footer
  8. Section and Article
  9. Style With CSS
  10. Form
  11. Audio and Video
  12. Canvas
  13. Web Storage
  14. Web SQL
  15. Modernizer

Monday, January 28, 2013




One thing you’ve probably notice that when you want to detect  browser support for an API, there is no uniform way of doing so; in fact, almost  every API is detected in a different way. For geolocation, for instance, we look  for the geolocation object as a property of the navigator object, while for web
storage we check to see if localStorage is defined in the window object, and  for video we check to see if we can create a video element in DOM, and so on.  Surely there’s a better way?
Modernizr is an open source JavaScript library that provides a uniform  interface for detecting browser support. Modernizer takes care of all the  details of the different means of detection, even factoring in all the edge  cases around older browsers. You’ll find the Modernizr home page at
Modernizr has gained a lot of developer support so you’ll see it used widely  around the Web. We highly recommend it.Here’s an example of detecting  for geolocation, web storage and video, all in a consistent manner.  Including Modernizr in your page
To use Modernizr, you need to load the JavaScript library into your page. To do that you first visit the Modernizer site at, which allows you to custom  configure a library that contains just the detection code you need (or you can always grab everything while you’re there). After you’ve done that, stash the library in a file of your choice and load it into your page (visit Modernizr’s web site for addition tutorials and documentation on best  practices for doing this).

Download and how to attached to web page.

Firs way:

Step 1: Modernizer is a jquery library.You may download production version from

Step 2: Now select all of the option you want to detect support of browsers.I recommmand all checked or toggle all of the three css3,Html5 and Misc.

Step 3:  Click Generate Button.Remember it only general code according your checked options.

Step 4: Click Download button.Then a javascript file like modernizr.custom.02852.js downloaded your PC.

Step 5: Use this javascript file in your head tag after your stylesheet.
                    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/modernizr.custom.02852.js"></script>
Here my downloaded file in under js folder.But you can put wheter you want and it may be same directory if you want.

Second way:

 Just use these url in src.No need to download modernizer but you need internet connection to use it.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
I recommand use First way when you are practise your own computer and use second way when you use for an website which is running a real server.

How modernizer works for CSS3.

Modernizer actually helps you to make style  both supported or not supported browsers.Suppose you want to use box-shadow which is a new features of CSS3.Most of the old Browser does not support css3 so you have to use a fallback for them.Modernizer add a class  in <html> tag if browser support box-shadow then it will add a class like <html class="boxshadow">. if browser does not support   css3 box-shadow then it will add a class in html like <html class="no-boxshadow">.Like so for border-radius it will add no-borderradius class in your html tag.If support just add borderradius class.

Notice: Modernizer add class for support just the property name with no spaces between the words.It add  no before   non supporting property  like no-borderradius.
Remember one thing modernizer add class not the browsers.

Lets Code:

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>modernizer use for css3</title>
<style type="text/css">

/*If browser support border-radius then modernizer add a borderradius class in html these style will apply because older browser have not found any borderradius class so it skip it */

.borderradius #box{

box-shadow:1px 1px 4px #003366;
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #00020c,  #0cf6f3); /* for firefox 3.6+ */
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#00020c), to(#0cf6f3)); /* Safari 4+, Chrome */
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #00020c,#0cf6f3); /* W3C */
/* older browser will style these*/
border:1px outset #333;
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


<div id="box">
Hi i am in a test moood.

Output of following Code:

Hi i am in a test moood.

How to detect support for html5 and retated api.

Once you’ve got Modernizr installed, detecting HTML5 elements and
JavaScript APIs gets a lot easier and more straightforward:
if (Modernizr.geolocation) {
write your code about geolocation because only supported browser will execute your code.Other skip these codes.
Here’s an example of detecting for geolocation, web storage and  video, all in a consistent manner

if (Modernizr.localstorage) {
Do here  what ever you want to do with local storage.This will not disturb unsupported browser.
if ( {
//Your code about video goes here
Note: Modernizr goes far beyond simple API detection and can also  detect support for CSS features,
video codecs and many other things. So, check it out!

Related Topics:
HTML 5 syllabus

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Html 5


Html 5 and Related Technologies
HTML 5 and Related Technologies

Friday, January 25, 2013

Web Sql


Web Sql

What is web sql:

We can store data in browser by using web storage API.But we can not access these storage properly.So W3c bring another specification called  WEB SQL database.
By this we can perform sql/database operation on browser that ill reduce the server activity and thus improve website browsing speed.Web SQL database API  is not part of Html 5 specification.But It has nie features and by using these feature we can enhance our web site developing experienc.
It build with SQLite(3.1.19).

Those have a background of server side database will surprise that is it really possible to work with database with client side.Yes it is possible.

Browser Support:

Until now it will support Google Chrome,Safari,Opera,and Mozilla Firefox by add-ons support.
NB:W3c has stop working on these specification.

HTML 5 syllabus

Related Topics

You can check which browser and what versions support this specification on thes site
Click here

Friday, January 18, 2013

web storage


Web Storage

Before start,What is storage? It means to save or store something in a place.So web storage means to store data on somewhere.Typically data is stored in database.But web page is run by browser and it have no capacity to hold data.Web storage means store data in browser rather than database.Previously web developer do that kind of work with the help of cookies but it have many limitation such as it can store only 4 kb,communicate to server every HTTP request and many which slow the web site performance.On the other hand web Storage do not communicate with server until it have been called.It can store a large amount of data on the browser.The data may infinitely store and there have no expire date.There are two kind of web storage are available on this API.


Difference between them

Both of them run in same function and rules but persistence duration is vary from one to another.Local Storage is like permanent web storage and it will remain where or not browser closed.But session storage only stay until a window is close.If window close then session storage will destroy.

Importance of Web storage:

For many reason web storage is very helpful.When a user filling up a long form for purchase something during that time if he unable to post it to server for internet connection problem or unexpectedly his or her browser restart or resfresh.Then he or she might have filled up that from from scratch.That would be disappoint for user.But if we give him his data back when he come back this is very helpful and user friendly.
We can use web storage in shopping cart each time user add a product it goes to database virual table and store there until he purchased or close it.But this sometime slow down website speed and cause very much presser to server.So we can handle this kind of small thing in browser.

 Functionality of Web storage

Key pair:

Browser store data on key pair value.Key means name of something and pair means its value.Suppose if you want to store user name on web storage during form fill up.Then name would be the key and its value would be 'Osman' or input value.


There are three ways to save data on web storage.Like 
(like window.localStorage.setItem("name","Tuhin");)


Here localStorage is a child of window object.Among the above three method i prefer to use the first one because it is casual.

Restore Item

You can restore any saved item from web browser.Remember local storage is browser own member space.So if you store something on Google Chrome on your pc then this data would not have in FireFox browser.
if we write window.localStorage.getItem("name") here name key is stored previously so we want to restore it and use in web page.It definately give us the value it has.

Check Length:

You can check how any key pair have in web storage by 
This will give you numeric number.

Remove item:

You can delete any individual item from web storage by following method.
if we give name in key then it will remove name key from web storage.

Clear All

We can clear all of the key value from web storage.

Practical Project:

This code is Jquery Based.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<style type="text/css">

font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace;
border-bottom:1px dashed #900;
<script type="text/javascript" >
/*var name=document.getElementById("name");
}); */

//This is form email address;

//This is for age
if(localStorage.age){document.getElementById("age").value=window.localStorage.getItem('age'); }
if({document.getElementById("city").value=window.localStorage.getItem('city'); }

//For telephone Number

if({document.getElementById("telephone").value=window.localStorage.getItem('telephone'); }
//For web site Url

if({document.getElementById("web").value=window.localStorage.getItem('web'); }

//For Comments

if({document.getElementById("comment").value=window.localStorage.getItem('comment'); }

alert("sorry your browser does not souuprt local storage")


<div id="holder">
<form action="#" name="check" method="post">
<p><label>Name</label><input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="" /></p>

<p><label>Email Address</label><input type="email" name="email" id="email" /></p>
<p><label>Age</label><input type="number" name="age" id="age" /></p>
<p><label>City</label><input type="text" name="city" id="city" /></p>
<p><label>Telephone Number</label><input type="tel" name="telephone" id="telephone" /></p>
<p><label>Website</label><input type="url" name="url" id="web" /></p>
<p><label>Comments</label><textarea id="comment" name="com"></textarea></p>
<input type="submit" name="action" value="SEND" " />


Tips:Remeber web storage only work on server you must to run this file from a server it would be real server or localhost server like Xampp or Wamp.

This Code is Javascript Based

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>web storage</title>
<style type="text/css">


border-bottom:1px dashed #FFF;

<script type="text/javascript">

 function saving(){ 
 var name=document.getElementById("name").value;
 var email=document.getElementById("email").value;

 function counts()
var cou=window.localStorage.length;
//alert("There are  "+cou+" items on your local storage");
document.getElementById("showcount").innerHTML="There are "+cou+"items on your local storage";
 //clear all of the browser data from local storage
 function clearAll()
 var clear=window.localStorage.clear();
 document.getElementById("showcount").innerHTML="You successfully deleted all of the data from local storage." 

 //for delete individual item from local storage
 function deleteOne(){
  var del=document.getElementById("name").value;
  document.getElementById("showcount").innerHTML="You have successfully deleted "+del+" information from local storage";  
 function shows()
var cnt=window.localStorage.length;
var rst="The List is <br ><ul>";
for( var i=0;i<=cnt;i++)
var key=window.localStorage.key(i);
var val=window.localStorage.getItem(key);

function onLoad() {
   document.getElementById("store").addEventListener("click", saving, true);
   document.getElementById("count").addEventListener("click", counts, true);
  document.getElementById("clear").addEventListener("click", clearAll, true);
   document.getElementById("delete").addEventListener("click", deleteOne, true);
   document.getElementById("show").addEventListener("click", shows, true);

window.addEventListener("load", onLoad, true);


<div id="container">
<label>Name:</label><input type="text" name="name" id="name">
<label>Email address:</label><input type="email" name="email" id="email">
<p align="center">
<input type="button" id="store" value="Store" />
<input type="button" id="count" value="Counts" />
<input type="button" id="clear" value="Clear" />
<input type="button" id="delete" value="Delete" />
<input type="button" id="show" value="Show All" />
<div id="showMsg">
<p id="showcount"></p>


HTML 5 syllabus

Web Storage Video Tutorial

Other Resource about Web storage

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Slideshow by using canvas



we can create a slideshow easily by using canvas.If you read animation  tutorial then this project will easier for you.The basic techniques are same as animation project have.So go back and have a look to animation project first.

Sorry your browser does not support canvas tag.Upgrade to latest version pls

HatirJheel Dhaka,Bangladesh
s<script type="text/javascript"> 
//var imgPath=["images/bandarban.jpg","images/Bangladesh-teagarden.jpg","images/hill_tree.jpg","images/abc.jpg"];
var imgPath=["","","",""];
var img=document.createElement("img"); 
var currImg=0; 

var can=document.getElementById("mc");
var mc=can.getContext("2d");


function changeimg(){
{currImg=0; }




 <canvas id="mc" width="500" height="400px">
            Sorry your browser does not support canvas tag.Upgrade to latest version pls


Slideshow is a collection of images.So for that reason we take a array which contains all of our images.
Then we create a image tag by using createElement () method because we have to use image tag to show image on canvas and then dynamically change the source attribute of that image tag.
variable currImg is the array index value.If it 0 then show the first image on that array and then increase by one.Thus cause the image change.

Then within window.onload function we set the previously created image width and  height by using javascript setAttribute method.setInterval function will execute every 3 seconds later and execute changeimg

function.Each time change image function execute variable currImg value increaseby one.

Look carefully in changeimg function we set the source of image tag. and we give  array imgPath(our image container) and in the index  [] we call our currImg variable which value will increase each time the changeimg function execute.
So first time imgPath index is 0  and in the canvas it show the first image after 3 second later array index value would be 1 and it will show its second image.
But when currImg variable value is greater  than total array length then we set the currImg value 0 so its again start changing the index value of arry.Otherwise slideshow will stop when all of the array's value is shown.

HTML 5 syllabus

Wednesday, January 16, 2013




In canvas you can do anything if you have logic.Animation is very simple to do.Two thing keep in mind before you do anyting about animation first of all what  thing or object you are going to animate.Second a function which will change the  position every few secod.

setInterval function 

do the animation for you and it takes two parameter.FIrst is which thing will animate and duration means duration of each animation to another.10 second means  every ten second later it will execute the animate object.

Lets Code:

Your Browser Does not support HTML 5 Canvas Tag.
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var canvas=document.getElementById("draw");
var mc=canvas.getContext("2d");
 var x=-350,y=50;
 var rotate=0;
 var anim=setInterval(startanim,190); 
 function startanim()

mc.font="25px Arial Black";

mc.fillText("welcome to learn html 5 tutorial site",x,y); 



<canvas width="600px" height="500px" id="draw">
Your Browser Does not support HTML 5 Canvas Tag.


first of all we set X and Y cordinates and we give it negative values because before animation we do not want to show our content.Then within setInterval  function we give a function name and duration.That means every 190 milisecond  later this function execute.All of our animation condition lyes on that  startanim  function.

startanim function
we clear our canvas each stage of animation.If not it will draw text every where   on its own path.
Then Draw some Text which will be animate.We give two variables in its  positions.So every 190 millisecond later values of these variable's value will change so  text will animate. Then we give a if condition and tell the browser if the X cordinates of the text  if less then the total weidth of canvas then add 10 each time when the staranim function run.So every 190 millisecond later it will add 10 to the x variable  that cause the move of the text.
Now when X cordinate is equal to total canvas weight then it will stop adding 10  .So that time we tell that when x cordinate is equal to total canvas weight then   set the x cordinate value -350 means the starting point.

Code hints:

Remember here we animate text but you can animate any shape or image just changing its X or Y by using above method. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013




By using scale method we can increase or decrease any shapes height and width without changing height and width.See the graph and then read the Demonstration carefully.After that you have a complete idea what it is and why you should use it.

sorry your browser doesnot support canvas tag.


In the code section you find the two for loop which is for make lines  purpose and have to relation with the scale.

ss<canvas id="scale" width="600px" height="400px" style="border:2px solid red">
sorry your browser doesnot support canvas tag.

<script type="text/javascript">
var sex=document.getElementById("scale");
var sec=sex.getContext("2d");
//This loop is for X values;
var x;

sec.fillText(x*50+" X",x*50,10);

//This loop here represent Y values
var y;

sec.fillText(y*50+" Y",2,y*50);

//scale tutorial start from here





First Rectangular filled up by Purple its width is 150px and height is 100px.Start from 50,50 away from origin.Then we called scale method and give it 1,0.5.Which means remains width same 1 means full and height reduce by half o.5 means half.
Although green rectangualr have same width and height compare to the first but  green rectangular height is affected by scale method.In this scale method it told that do the height half which should have been counted.

Remember 1,1 means full height and width and below than is reduction from oiginal size and above them is higer than original size.

Third Rect,
Before third rectangular scale value is 1,1 and width and height are same as the first purple one,but height and width are appearing same as the second green one.Because third one assume that its original(alwasy count from its immediate previous one) is second one so 1,1 means same as second one.

Fourth Rect,
Fourth one is same as the first one,but height and width are same as the second and third one.Because we save the first one's current scale by save() method for future use.Then before fourth rectangular we restore all of our settings by using restore method.


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